FAQ | My Sonea मेरे सोनिया


Q: Is the registration must on My Sonea Matri portal?

Ans: Yes due to the security reasons, one must register to get better and full benefits to make marriage matches.

Q: Should I buy a Membership Subscription on My Sonea Portal?

Ans: If one needs any help, please get in touch with us and all required help is free. These services are free in the service of the society. We are committed to secure the personal information of registered users, thus, one is free to buy a membership subscription to see the full profile details and/or contact details. The registered user who gets the Membership Subscription then can see the full profile and contact details without our help.

Q: Can I save the matching profile?

Ans: Yes you can put the matching profiles in favorite.

Q: If one gets a match for one person then can the profile be used for other person’s profile?

Ans:  Yes this is fully open and the profile be fully changed as required.

Q: Can I delete my profile?

Ans: Yes one can delete the profile though can keep the user for the future use and this if any membership bought that will stay? This is to help nd protect users rights.

Q: Is my data protected what is the confidence level on this?

Ans: Yes the personal or any user data is fully protected and is assured a full confidence.

Q: If you provide free services then how do you recover the expenses?

Ans: We feel that making right family relations is a very noble thing and a good social service to the society. We have decided to keep it free but in last few years of existence of My Sonea we have accumulated losses and though we envisage to recover these losses thru advertisements. Your services is prime to us and we look forward for your support.

Q: There is provision on the My Sonea portal to buy membership subscription then how the services are free

Ans: The security of the users and/or the matches is of prime importance to us so the data is securely protected fully and thus some important details of matches / users are hidden. The USP of My Sonea portal is that it has high profile, highly educated and Elite Indian in India and globally, thus, some people may like to avail paid services to see full profile details and/or contact details so the options is there for users to buy the subscription.

-:Happy Family Life:-